In Alpha class students deepen their understanding of core topics and focus on solving challenging word problems. The curriculum draws upon Singapore Math, which aims to develop mathematical concepts for mastery.
Topics covered include operations with whole numbers, fractions, ratios, angles, decimals, percentages, averages, rates, triangles, four-sided figures, and volume.
Students engage in solving challenging word problems by modeling situations with diagrams, reasoning through logical steps, and presenting solutions for class discussion. Homework assignments provide questions of varying difficulty to reinforce skills.
In Beta class, students build on their learning from the Alpha level. They will deepen their understanding of each topic and focus on solving challenging word problems. The curriculum draws upon Singapore Math, which aims to develop mathematical concepts for mastery.
Topics covered include algebra, ratios, percentages, speed, irrational numbers, square and cube roots, the Pythagorean theorem, circles, and volume. Students tackle challenging word problems by modeling situations with diagrams, reasoning logically, presenting solutions, and discussing alternative approaches.
Students engage in solving challenging word problems by modeling situations with diagrams, reasoning through logical steps, and presenting solutions for class discussion. Homework assignments provide questions of varying difficulty to reinforce skills.
In Gamma class, students transition to more abstract yet intuitive explorations which are both “hands on” and “intellectual”. This class is designed to entice the student into asking questions, exploring and playing with ideas, and being flexible in one’s thinking and innovative in one’s perspective. Gamma is a course in developing the mathematical habits of mind, and it represents a perfect transition into the more formal treatment of topics that comes later on.
Key topics include the basic laws of arithmetic extended to algebra, figurate numbers, primes, and factors, parity and divisibility rules, the Euclidean Algorithm and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, the effects of scale on area and volume, geometric and algebraic proofs of the Pythagorean theorem, the approximation of pi using Archimedes' method, surface areas and volumes of solids, including cylinders, cones, and spheres, using Cavalieri’s principle, tilings, tessellations, and Platonic solids.
In Delta class, students continue in their transition to more abstract yet intuitive explorations. This class is designed to entice the student into asking questions, exploring and playing with ideas, and being flexible in one’s thinking and innovative in one’s perspective.
Key topics include linear equations and inequalities, linear functions, similarity and congruence, geometric constructions, circle geometry, rationals and irrationals, exponents, logarithms, growth and decay.
In Epsilon, students develop sophisticated mathematical habits of mind and an ability to visualize mathematical relationships through the study of functions and their graphs. Epsilon continues to build the student's ability to think like a mathematician and includes more traditional, rigorous proofs, and difficult problems aligned with the BC math curriculum, preparing students for success in senior-level high school math courses.
Key topics include systems of linear equations, circle theorems, quadratic and polynomial equations and functions, radical functions and equations, inverse functions, absolute value functions, and trigonometry.
Omega continues to build the student's ability to think like a mathematician and includes more traditional, rigorous proofs, and difficult problems aligned with the BC math curriculum, preparing students for the next level, Calculus.
Topics include transformations of functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and equations, trigonometric functions, and sequences and series.
Calculus is the mathematical study of continuous change, and it is the gateway to more advanced courses in mathematics at the university level. The application of calculus to physics and engineering was the most significant factor in the development of modern science beyond where it was in the days of Archimedes. Calculus gives engineers the ability to model and control systems, enabling extraordinary power over the material world.
Students conduct an in-depth study of continuous change, functions, graphs, limits, continuity, derivatives, integrals, and their applications in science and engineering.
Statistics is an introductory course focusing on four key areas: data exploration, study planning, probability, and statistical inference. Students will be exposed to different activities, simulations and technology use to develop strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. There will emphasis on effective statistical communication to prepare for written and oral analyses of real data.
Based on the AP Statistics Course by College Board, this course covers one and two-variable data, data collection, probability, random variables, probability distributions, sampling distributions, statistical inference, and linear regression.
Program duration
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