Eligibility Details
Math Circles

New students - Grade 6+


Upon completing payment and registration, the student will receive a link to take the online assessment test. We separate the tests into grade 6-8, and grade 9 -12. Based on the results the student is placed into one of the seven different levels.

New students - Grade 4 & 5


Grade 5 students are NOT required to take the assessment test and may directly register for the Alpha level unless they wish to challenge the Grade 6 - 8 test. Students in Grade 4 or below must contact to see if they are eligible to enroll for the Alpha course.

Returning students


Please see your student report for your level recommendation.

Science Circles

Newton - Grade 6-11


Upon completing payment and registration all students between Grade 6-11 can join the program. No assessment test required.

Feynman I - Grade 7+


Upon completing payment and registration all students between Grade 7-11 can join the program. No assessment test required.

Feynman II


Completion of Feynman I is required to register for Feynman II.

Registration Process Instructions
Please find here Amilia's official instructions to Log In and Create your account.

  1. Click on your desired program and class activity.
  2. Create an account, or use your existing account.
    *The account holder must be an adult
    *If you're creating a new account, you will get a confirmation email from Amilia that you must click on before proceeding to payment.
  3. Click "add another person" to add your child to the corresponding class. Repeat this process until all children have been added to a class.
  4. Complete payment - and you're done!

If you get stuck during the registration process, see instructions above or reach out to
Please note that students can still register after classes have started at a pro-rated tuition, subject to space.
Math Circles
Registration Open Date: April 2025
Program Start Date:  September 2025
Registration Closing Date: February 2026
Math Circles - In Person
Materials Fee
Alpha, Beta
Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Omega, Calculus
Math Circles - Online
Materials Fee
Alpha, Beta
Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Omega, Calculus, Statistics
Science Circles
Registration Open Date: March 2025
Program Start Date:  September 2025
Registration Closing Date: December 2025
Science Circles - In Person
Materials Fee
All levels
Science Circles - Online
Materials Fee
Feynman I
Feynman II
Note: Online Science Circles classes have different Materials Fees than in-person because students keep all materials (batteries, magnets, etc.) and also includes shipping cost.
Summer Programs
Registration Open Date: March 2025
Gateway Mathematics - Online
Materials Fee
Discovery Level, Exploration Level
Strategic Mathematics
Materials Fee
Strategic Math
Strategic Math Jr.
Problem Solving & Proofs
Materials Fee
Refund policy

Math Circles and Science Circles


Subject to exceptions below, refunds are only issued in the event of a student leaving due to illness or to their family moving away, in which case a WRITTEN NOTICE must be given to this office. There is a $95 non-refundable deposit. The remainder of the tuition fee will be prorated based on the number of classes that passed when notice was given, or when the student plans to stop attending classes, whichever is later. The materials fee will not be refunded once classes have started. If we cancel a program then we will issue a full refund.

Refunds due to conflict: This policy applies to conflicts such as but not limited to time, location, or waitlists and is applicable only to new students who register into the Math Circles program for the first time and do not have the option of choosing class time and location upon registration due to the unknown class placement (which is to be determined subsequently by the result of the Assessment Test). If we cannot accommodate the requested campus placement of a new student, then we will issue a full refund minus a $35 fee to cover administrative costs and the payment of merchant fees. This can happen if classes are full, or the level into which the student was placed is not offered at the requested campus. Once the class placement result is sent out by Math Potentials, you will have one week to request a refund due to any such conflicts. After this time period, the requested refund will be subject to a $95 fee.

Materials Fee Refund - Math Circles Alpha & Beta levels
- Once the student has received the first textbook, the material fee refund will be 50%.
- Once the student has received the both textbooks, the material fee refund will be 0%.

Materials Fee Refund - Science Circles online classes:
- Once the student has received the materials package, the material fee refund will be 0%.

Math Circles Assessment Test Refund:
- No refunds for the assessment test if purchased separately.

No refunds will be issue after the course has progressed over 70% of its totality:
- Math Circles Program (17 classes): No refunds after Class 12.
- Science Circles Program (10 classes): No refunds after Class 7.

Week-long Math Camps


A great deal of work goes into preparing Math Camps well before they start. As a result, the following refund policy was created for one-week Math Camps:

- Non-refundable deposit: 25% of tuition
- Refund within two weeks prior to the start date of Math Camps: 50% of tuition
- Refund within 24 hours of the start date of Math Camp: None

Math Potentials reserves the right to cancel the Math Camps with insufficient enrolment. If Math Potentials does so, full refunds will be issued.

Short Programs or Summer Program Refund Policy:


The following refund policy applies to summer programs other than one-week Math Camps:

- Non-refundable deposit: 25% of tuition
- Refund once the program has started: prorated based on the number of classes that have passed, minus the deposit.

Math Potentials reserves the right to cancel any program with insufficient enrolment. If Math Potentials does so, full refunds will be issued.

Pathway to brighter futures

Unlock your child's potential today

Hear what parents, students, and teachers have to say about Math Circles.
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Hannah Hwang
"When I was in the high school what I did most in math classes was memorize formulas and do lots of calculations. I was blessed to find the Math Circles program. I loved the way of approaching the concepts, and I learned a lot from the materials along with my daughter. Thanks so much for providing such a wonderful program to our kids."
Dr. Gordon Hamilton
Mathematician & Educator
"Let us not equate mathematics and arithmetic; let us not equate applying algorithms and thinking. Math Circles explores mathematics that is worthy of the human intellect. It's not trying to make math easy, but celebrates the challenge of struggling with a tough problem."
Robert Huang
"After graduating, I went to University of Waterloo and am studying Statistics. I think Math Circles helped me a lot, especially with regards to tackling a problem from multiple perspectives, which was a skill that I use a lot in both my academic work and professional work."
Simon Kim
"Once again, Andrew had a wonderful year with Math Potentials. Thank you very much for all your hard work! Andrew has gone from being very intimidated by math to feeling quite confident(sometimes boastful ha ha) and comfortable with it. He got all As last report card, and was recommended to Grade 9 Math because he had finished Grade 8 by December, so in Grade 9, he will be taking Gr10 Math."