Fall Program
Awaken the Mathemagician in You
Awaken the Mathemagician in You is a transformational course. You will be empowered with tools to shift your mindset and discover that you can learn anything.
OverviewAwaken the Mathemagician in YouGateway MathematicsStrategic MathStrategic Math Jr.Problem Solving & Proofs
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Awaken the Mathemagician in You is a transformational course. You will be empowered with tools to shift your mindset and discover that you can learn anything. Students will have an opportunity to "click" into math, experiencing it not only as important, but also as interesting, meaningful and beautiful.
This course will teach you how to open your mind to mathematics. It will show you how to think like a mathematician would. It will not be anything like you’ve ever experienced before.
If any one or more of the following statements describes your thinking about math, then this course is for you!
This course will teach you how to open your mind to mathematics. It will show you how to think like a mathematician would. It will not be anything like you’ve ever experienced before.
If any one or more of the following statements describes your thinking about math, then this course is for you!
- Math is too hard.
- I’m not good at math.
- Math is boring!
- Math is only for those who are born with a special math gene.
- I don’t enjoy math.
You will not be expected to give “right answers” or memorize rules. Instead, you will learn how to navigate through mathematical landscapes of pattern, numbers, shapes, and applied problem situations by building up a toolbox of skills for success.
All too often in a math class the focus is only on the "correct answer" and on the procedures or steps to get to it. There is an illusion that there is only one correct way of doing things, and so for many the learning of the subject is reduced to memorizing these steps and following the procedures. Moreover, there is a pressure felt by many students that they need to get to the correct answer fast.
It is no wonder that many children lose interest in math. This way of relating to math is disempowering indeed. But it is a conditioned response, and that can be changed with new experiences that empower the child to move away from focusing on the "products of mathematical thought", such as formulas and canned procedures to be memorized, to instead focusing on the "processes of mathematical thinking", such as modelling, estimation, and visualization.
Our commitment is to assist the students in developing a "growth mindset". Such a mindset allows them to be curious, persevere in the face of challenge, engage in productive struggle, exert good effort, and understand that "mistakes" are in fact valuable learning opportunities. Equipped with the right mindset, children begin to see that they are in charge of their own success. Now that is something that will serve them for life!
All too often in a math class the focus is only on the "correct answer" and on the procedures or steps to get to it. There is an illusion that there is only one correct way of doing things, and so for many the learning of the subject is reduced to memorizing these steps and following the procedures. Moreover, there is a pressure felt by many students that they need to get to the correct answer fast.
It is no wonder that many children lose interest in math. This way of relating to math is disempowering indeed. But it is a conditioned response, and that can be changed with new experiences that empower the child to move away from focusing on the "products of mathematical thought", such as formulas and canned procedures to be memorized, to instead focusing on the "processes of mathematical thinking", such as modelling, estimation, and visualization.
Our commitment is to assist the students in developing a "growth mindset". Such a mindset allows them to be curious, persevere in the face of challenge, engage in productive struggle, exert good effort, and understand that "mistakes" are in fact valuable learning opportunities. Equipped with the right mindset, children begin to see that they are in charge of their own success. Now that is something that will serve them for life!

Program Details
Who is "Awaken the Mathemagician in You" for?
This transformative course is designed for all Grade 4-6 students who wish to embark on a sustainable trajectory of success in their learning. This means becoming a self-directed, reflective learner who has the desire to understand and not just follow certain procedures. Students who complete this course will be fully ready to begin the Alpha level of Math Circles.
What is the weekly time commitment?
2 hours per week in class. There is no homework assigned.
What is the course format?
Classes in this program are 60 minutes long, twice a week for five weeks.
Schedule for 2025 Coming in June
Pathway to brighter futures
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Hear what parents, students, and teachers have to say about Math Circles.
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Hannah Hwang
"When I was in the high school what I did most in math classes was memorize formulas and do lots of calculations. I was blessed to find the Math Circles program. I loved the way of approaching the concepts, and I learned a lot from the materials along with my daughter. Thanks so much for providing such a wonderful program to our kids."

Dr. Gordon Hamilton
Mathematician & Educator
"Let us not equate mathematics and arithmetic; let us not equate applying algorithms and thinking. Math Circles explores mathematics that is worthy of the human intellect. It's not trying to make math easy, but celebrates the challenge of struggling with a tough problem."

Robert Huang
"After graduating, I went to University of Waterloo and am studying Statistics. I think Math Circles helped me a lot, especially with regards to tackling a problem from multiple perspectives, which was a skill that I use a lot in both my academic work and professional work."

Simon Kim
"Once again, Andrew had a wonderful year with Math Potentials. Thank you very much for all your hard work! Andrew has gone from being very intimidated by math to feeling quite confident(sometimes boastful ha ha) and comfortable with it. He got all As last report card, and was recommended to Grade 9 Math because he had finished Grade 8 by December, so in Grade 9, he will be taking Gr10 Math."
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