What age should my child be to enter the Math Circles program?
Math Circles is intended for students in Grades 5-12. Students in Grade 6 and beyond will write an online Assessment Test once they have registered. Students in Grade 5 do not need to write the test, and can register directly into Alpha Class. Grade 5 students can, however, take the assessment test if they feel they should be in a higher level. Furthermore, students who are in Grade 4, but highly advanced and motivated, can request to join by emailing info@mathpotentials.com and will be sent a special Grade 4 assessment test to see if they can join Alpha Class early.
What level will my child be in?
We do not place children according to their grade or age, but rather according to their mathematical readiness. Students who are in Grade 6 or higher write the readiness assessment which helps us to determine the most suitable level for their placement in our 7-level program of study. As soon as you've registered your child as a new student, you will receive an email with the online test. Your child must then complete the test as soon as possible. We will mark the test within two weeks, and get back to you with your child's placement.
The table below shows the possible level placements based on student grade.
Note: as this is a "take home" test, we trust that all students will truthfully abide by the rules. The purpose of this test is to determine which class will be the most suitable for the student. We want to help push students' abilities, but not discourage them because they find the curriculum too hard.

What is the order of difficulty of the Math Circles Classes? And what is the curriculum for each level?
The order, in increasing difficulty, is Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Omega, Calculus. See the Overview page for a summary of these levels.
Who is Math Circles best suited for?
The Math Circles program is suitable for any student who wishes to improve their mathematical abilities. Please note that Math Circles in an enrichment program, not a tutoring service.
What is the benefit of Math Circles to my child?
Math Circles enable students to experience mathematics as valuable, exciting, and meaningful. In our classes students are taught to understand mathematical relationships instead of memorizing them. As a result, through our program, students become fluent in mathematics and are well prepared for the challenges they face in their school or university math courses.
Are the online homework tutorials mandatory?
No. The online tutorials are for students who have questions about the homework.
What if my child misses a class?
Classes can be made up at other campuses if they are not at full capacity. Simplify send a request by email to our administrators at info@mathpotentials.com. Provide at least 2 days advanced notice so that the instructor can be prepared with the extra materials needed.
Are the online homework tutorials mandatory?
No. The online tutorials are for students who have questions about the homework
Do all students write the same test?
We separate the tests into grade 4, grade 6-8, and grade 9 -12 (grade 5 students are NOT required to take the assessment test, and are placed into the beginner level, Alpha, unless they wish to challenge the Grade 6 - 8 test). Within each test, multiple topics are covered and we do not expect a student to know everything (especially the younger students in each category).
How do I complete the assessment test?
As soon as you've registered as a new student, you will receive an email with the online test. You must then complete the test at your earliest convenience. We will mark the test within two weeks, and get back to you with your placement. The test should take 1.5 hours, but students can take less time if they want or if they cannot complete many questions. Note: as this is a "take home" test, we trust that all students will truthfully abide by the rules. The purpose of this test is to determine which class will be the most suitable for the student. We want to help push students' abilities, but not discourage them because they find the curriculum too hard.
Should the students attempt to solve all problems on the test or focus on problems within certain part(s)?
Students should attempt all problems, but not waste time on questions they think are beyond their knowledge. It's OK to leave questions blank.
Do you return the test to students or disclose their mark?
No. The purpose of the test is only to group students together who are at a similar mathematical level so that they can learn at the same pace. We only tell the student what class they placed in.
Can the students ask questions during the test if they find a problem unclear?
If it is a language barrier, then students are permitted to consult a dictionary. We ask that students do NOT seek any support with math related questions. The purpose of this assessment is to place students in a class they will find challenging, but not impossible (therefore discouraging their interest).
How can I prepare for the test?
There is no need to prepare for the test as the purpose of it is simply to gauge the current mathematical readiness of the student and place them appropriately. The student may wish to review any content they have already learned in order to be able to fully demonstrate their knowledge.